Capital City Organization Development Network

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Save the Date! December 6, 2006

A panel of 3 professional coaches will answer your questions about
Innovative Coaching
  • How do you contract with a client as a coach?
  • What is the potential value of coaching for employees: as a way of manager-employee interaction; leadership skill.
  • What are different coaching approaches?
  • What is the research base for coaching?
  • How do organizations use coaches: how are individuals selected for development by a coach?
  • When is coaching appropriate?
  • What are differences among coaching, mentoring, counseling, PM, EAP?
  • Is there a certification?
  • What are the legal implications?
  • Are there innovative approaches to coaching in the field?
  • How do you coach for innovation?
  • How do you coach creatives?
  • How do you adapt a coaching style to fit the client?

Watch this blog for more information, or email:
r s v p 2 c c o d n [a t] g m a i l . c o m



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