Capital City Organization Development Network

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Save the Date! December 6, 2006

A panel of 3 professional coaches will answer your questions about
Innovative Coaching
  • How do you contract with a client as a coach?
  • What is the potential value of coaching for employees: as a way of manager-employee interaction; leadership skill.
  • What are different coaching approaches?
  • What is the research base for coaching?
  • How do organizations use coaches: how are individuals selected for development by a coach?
  • When is coaching appropriate?
  • What are differences among coaching, mentoring, counseling, PM, EAP?
  • Is there a certification?
  • What are the legal implications?
  • Are there innovative approaches to coaching in the field?
  • How do you coach for innovation?
  • How do you coach creatives?
  • How do you adapt a coaching style to fit the client?

Watch this blog for more information, or email:
r s v p 2 c c o d n [a t] g m a i l . c o m


Thursday, October 26, 2006

We Can Change the World

A few years ago, David Cooperrider interviewed Peter Drucker about the future of business and management. Drucker told Cooperrider, "Every pressing social and global issue of our time is a business opportunity."

How will we as OD practitioners help individuals, companies, and organizations of all kinds innovate and capitalize on these opportunities?

Earlier this week I attended one day of the Business as an Agent of World Benefit (BAWB) Global Forum in Cleveland. The forum, sponsored by the UN Global Compact, the Academy of Management, and Case Weatherhead School of Management, convened businesspeople, educators, and students to start to answer that question.

In part using the Appreciative Inquiry 4-D cycle format, participants dared to Dream and Design a future where management professors, students, and practitioners innovate together for the betterment of the world.

Which innovative opportunities will you and your organization embrace today?
- Tina


Sunday, October 22, 2006

AmericaSpeaks Call for Facilitators

AmericaSpeaks is inviting volunteers to facilitate sessions associated with rebuilding New Orleans. Click the link below to apply:

Facilitator Application - Unified New Orleans Plan
